Monday, March 16, 2009

Technocolyps and the end of days

My favorite time in the class was watching the scary new possibilities offered in the technopolyps movie. Never had i thought about post humanism or its existance untill the movie was played. It was an excelent compliment to the theme of the class and really sets up the ideas and concepts that the books expand upon.

It does challenge the mind and ask the hard questions about humanity, we get the same questions out of Life Extreme. Where is the line between human and not human? machine or animal? and why is it important, is it important?

I don't beleive that the world will come to an end with the digital messiah leading the way into a new age of prosperity. I think that it is more realistic that we will just have new forms of communication and mobility, we will be able to do more, and will have less reason to be frugal. The movie non the less is excellent material for the course and i enjoyed it greatly.

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